2600 W Dual Motor │ 20.8 AH Battery │ Top Speed 60 Km/H │ 75 Km of range │ RGB LED Side Lighting (APP)

Starting from 1.349,00 €

Electric scooters for everyone

Electric scooters for every journey. Quality and safety first. Expert advice. Enjoy freedom and fun.

The Comprehensive Guide to Riding Electric Scooters in the EU: Regulations and Restrictions

This article provides an overview of the regulations for riding electric scooters in European Union countries. Despite their growing popularity, the use of electric scooters is subject to varying laws and regulations from country to country. While some countries have established national laws governing their use, others are still awaiting legislation. Additionally, individual cities may have their own regulations regarding the use of electric scooters.

Depending on the country and city, electric scooters may be allowed on sidewalks and bike paths or only on roads with certain speed limits. Some countries require the use of protective gear. It is essential to check applicable city ordinances before riding, as some cities only allow electric scooters in specific areas.

Irrespective of varying rules and regulations, electric scooter riders must adhere to common responsibilities such as obeying traffic signs and lights, yielding to priority roads, adjusting speed based on road conditions, and being vigilant of other traffic participants.

To assist riders in navigating these varying regulations, we have compiled a list of the most significant limitations and responsibilities for electric scooter riders in European Union countries. However, it is important to note that regulations and limitations are subject to change, and it is the rider’s responsibility to stay informed of the most current rules and regulations in the country where they are operating an electric scooter.

Country Min Age Helmet (until age) Speed (km/h) Motor Power (watts) Passenger
Austria 12 25 600 no
Belgium 16 25 no
Bulgaria 16 18 25 no
Croatia yes 25 600
Czech Republic 18 25 1000
Denmark 15 yes 20 no
Estonia 16 25 1000 no
Finland 25 1000 no
France 12 20-25 no
Germany 14 20 500 no
Greece Yes 25
Ireland 16 25 250 no
Italy 14 18 25 500 no
Latvia 14 25 no
Lithuania 25 1000 no
Luxembourg 10 25 250 W (500 W)
Netherlands 16 25
Norway 12 15 20
Poland 10 20 no
Romania 14 16 25
Slovakia 15 25 no
Slovenia 14 (12) 18 25 no
Spain 16 Yes 25 no
Sweden 15 20 250 no
Switzerland 20 500
United Kingdom 16 25 no

Table of Contents

Electric Scooter Traffic Rules in Austria

Electric scooters in Austria are subject to specific regulations based on their maximum speed and power output. If an electric scooter has a maximum speed of 25 kilometers per hour and a maximum power of 600 watts, it is classified as a bicycle. As a result, riders are required to comply with the same traffic rules and regulations that apply to bicyclists. However, it is imperative to note that electric scooters are prohibited from using pavements and footpaths.

The Austrian bicycle regulation (Fahrradverordnung) mandates that electric scooters exceeding 25 kilometers per hour in speed and 600 watts in power output are considered motorcycles (moped). Such electric scooters necessitate a driving license, and riders must wear a helmet.

Austria has also implemented several restrictions on electric scooter use. For example, e-scooters are solely allowed on bike lanes and not on any other road. The maximum speed limit for electric scooters is 25 kilometers per hour, and they must have braking reflectors, retroreflectors, red back lights, and white front lights. Additionally, all riders must abide by the same rules and guidelines as cyclists.

In contrast to bicycles, electric scooters in Austria can be carried on the underground during rush hours. Furthermore, they are permitted on buses and trams provided that they are stowed safely under the seat to avoid endangering other passengers.

Source: https://www.wien.gv.at/english/transportation-urbanplanning/scooter.html

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Belgium

If you are planning to ride an electric scooter in Belgium, it is crucial to understand the rules and regulations that govern their use. To begin with, riders must ensure that they do not exceed the legal speed limit of 25 km/h while riding on public roads. Moreover, e-scooter riders must be at least 16 years old, and they are strictly prohibited from using sidewalks.

It is important to note that electric scooters are subject to the same set of rules and responsibilities as bicycles in Belgium. However, with the appropriate license plate and insurance, electric scooters can now reach a maximum speed of 45 km/h, while remaining insured for speeds of up to 25 km/h. Additionally, riders must be at least 16 years old and only ride on bike paths.

Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that electric skateboards are also considered bicycles in Belgium, and thus are subject to the same regulations as electric scooters.

In summary, compliance with these rules is essential to ensure the safe and legal use of electric scooters in Belgium. Failure to adhere to these regulations may result in fines or legal action, thereby compromising your safety and that of other road users.

Source: https://www.brusselstimes.com/247954/stricter-rules-new-e-scooter-law-in-brussels-goes-further-than-belgian-one

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Bulgaria

In compliance with Bulgarian regulations, individuals must be at least 16 years of age to ride an electric scooter. However, children between 14 and 16 years of age may operate electric scooters, provided they are under adult supervision and confined to bike lanes.

The maximum speed limit for electric scooters in Bulgaria is 25 km/h, equivalent to that of bicycles. To ensure visibility, drivers must display reflective elements on their clothing.

Electric scooters are permissible on bike paths and roads with a speed limit of up to 50 km/h. It is important to note, however, that electric skateboards are not regarded as a viable public transport option in Bulgaria and are classified as toys.

It is crucial to adhere to these regulations to prevent accidents and promote safety on the roads. We urge all electric scooter riders in Bulgaria to comply with these rules and ride responsibly.

Source: https://petkovalegal.com

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Croatia

As the popularity of electric scooters grows in Croatia, it’s crucial to understand the rules and regulations surrounding their use to ensure a safe and legal ride. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with the following key points.

Croatian law stipulates that electric scooters may not exceed a maximum power of 600W and a maximum speed of 25 km/h. Any electric scooter that surpasses these limits is not permitted for use on public roads.

All electric scooter riders, regardless of age or experience, are required to wear a helmet that is properly fitted and meets safety standards.

Like bicycles, electric scooters must travel on bicycle paths or lanes in the direction of traffic. If there are no dedicated paths or lanes, they may ride on pedestrian surfaces or traffic-calmed zones, provided they prioritize the safety of other road users. Additionally, electric scooter riders must wear reflective clothing or accessories during nighttime or low visibility conditions to ensure maximum visibility.

Electric scooter drivers are allowed to travel on county, local, and unclassified roads with a speed limit of 50 km/h or less, provided there is a traffic sign permitting the use of personal transportation vehicles. They must also stay as close to the right side of the road as possible.

Source: https://zimo.dnevnik.hr/clanak/novi-zakon-o-sigurnosti-prometa-na-cestama-donosi-znacajne-promjene-za-vozace-elektricnih-romobila—734897.html

Source 2: https://www.sea-help.eu/en/news-general/e-scooter-croatia-helmet-mandatory/

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Czech Republic

According to the Road Traffic Act (No. 361/2000 Coll.), electric scooters are classified as bicycles in terms of road traffic. As such, electric scooter riders are considered cyclists and are subject to the same rights and responsibilities as bicyclists.

It is crucial to note that electric scooters are only permitted on the road, designated cycle lanes, or cycle paths. Riding on the pavement is strictly prohibited, and electric scooters can only be guided on the pavement.

If you plan to ride an electric scooter without registration or a driver’s license, it must not exceed a maximum speed of 25 km/h. The power of the electric drive must not exceed 250 W, or a maximum of 1000 W for a retrofitted motor. Exceeding these limits will classify the scooter as a motorcycle and subject it to registration, insurance, and other requirements.

When riding an electric scooter, riders must adhere to the same rules and regulations as bicyclists. This includes driving on the right side of the road with adequate safety distance, using bicycle lanes if available, and riding in single file instead of side by side.

For riders under the age of 18, wearing an approved protective helmet is mandatory and must be properly attached to their head while riding an electric scooter. Additionally, riding on the sidewalk is only permissible for riders under the age of 10 and must be accompanied by someone over the age of 15.

To ensure safety, electric scooters must have mandatory equipment such as effective independent brakes, front and rear reflectors, and lighting for reduced visibility. On a multi-lane road, electric scooter riders are only permitted to use the right lane, except when necessary to go around, overtake, turn, or turn.

In conclusion, observing all rules and regulations when riding an electric scooter in Czech Republic is vital to ensure safety for both the rider and others. Always wear protective gear, adhere to traffic regulations, and ensure that the electric scooter has all mandatory equipment. By doing so, riders can enjoy the convenience of electric scooter transportation while prioritizing safety on the road.

Source: https://www.policie.cz/clanek/bezpecna-jizda-na-kolobezkach-a-elektrokolobezkach.aspx

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Denmark

This paragraph will cover everything you need to know about electric scooter rules in Denmark, and it is important to comply with these regulations to avoid facing hefty fines or even the confiscation of your electric scooter.

Firstly, the maximum speed for electric scooters in Denmark is 20km/h, and riders must be at least 15 years old. Secondly, electric scooters are generally required to use bike lanes while operating, and lights must be present in both the front and back for visibility and safety. Additionally, wearing a helmet is compulsory for riders.

It is worth noting that these rules are in place to ensure the safety of both the rider and other road users. By following these regulations, riders can enjoy the practicality of electric scooters while reducing the risk of accidents or legal issues.

To summarize, when riding an electric scooter in Denmark, make sure to adhere to the guidelines: stick to a maximum speed of 20km/h, be at least 15 years old, use bike lanes, equip your scooter with front and back lights, and wear a helmet at all times. By doing so, you can enjoy the convenience and benefits of electric scooters while maintaining a safe and legal ride.

Source: https://politi.dk/midt-og-vestjyllands-politi/nyhedsliste/el-loebehjul-snart-er-det-lovpligtigt-at-baere-hjelm/2021/12/10

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Estonia

Personal light electric vehicles, including electric scooters, can only be operated on cycle tracks, cycle roads, cycle and pedestrian tracks, and pavements. If these roads are not available, riders can ride on the right side of a carriageway in calm traffic areas. It is important to note that there are strict age restrictions for children who want to ride on carriageways.

Children under 8, including those with adult supervision, are prohibited from riding on carriageways. Young people aged 8-15 who do not have a cycling license can only ride on a carriageway with adult supervision if the aforementioned roads and road sections are unavailable. Young people aged 10-15 who have a cycling license can ride on a carriageway unsupervised only if the aforementioned roads and road sections are unavailable.

All riders under the age of 16 must wear a helmet when riding a personal light electric vehicle. Adult riders are strongly recommended to wear a cycling helmet as well to ensure their safety.

Riding with multiple people on a single electric scooter is strictly prohibited. Doing so can obstruct the rider’s field of vision, reduce balance and braking efficiency, disturb the rider’s sense of the surrounding traffic, and put a heavy load on the scooter, which can be dangerous.

The maximum allowed speed for a personal light electric vehicle in Estonia is up to 25 km/h. Riders must not exceed this speed limit to ensure their own safety and the safety of others. The maximum permitted power for electric scooters is 1000 W.

Electric scooter riders must always give way to pedestrians, especially when they are boarding or alighting from public transport at tram or bus stops. Before crossing a road, riders must slow down, make sure it is safe, and cross the road at the speed of a pedestrian (5 km/h). At unregulated crossings of cycle or cycle and pedestrian tracks and carriageways, riders must give way to drivers on the carriageway unless the right of way has been regulated otherwise by traffic signs.

Parking electric scooters on pavements in urban areas is permitted, provided that at least 1.5 metres of space is left for pedestrians to ensure their safety.

By strictly adhering to these rules, riders can ensure their own safety and that of others while enjoying a pleasant and hassle-free ride on their electric scooter in Estonia.

Source: https://www.transpordiamet.ee/en/node/180

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Finland

This knowledge will help to guarantee that your devices are compliant with safety regulations and road laws, and thus promote the safe use of these devices in the country.

Electric personal transportation devices are classified into different groups based on their maximum speed and power. Devices that assist or replace walking, such as electric balance boards, must not exceed a maximum speed of 15 km/h and maximum power of 1 kW. On the other hand, light electric vehicles, such as electric scooters and skateboards, may have a maximum speed of over 15 km/h but no more than 25 km/h, and a maximum power of 1 kW. The width of an electric scooter must not exceed 80 cm.

Electrically assisted bicycles with a maximum assistance power of 250 W and a maximum assisted speed of 25 km/h may only work when the bicycle is being pedalled. Meanwhile, motorised bicycles (L1e-A) that have a maximum power of 1 kW and maximum assisted speed of 25 km/h may work without pedalling. However, if these electrically assisted or motorised bicycles exceed speeds of 25 km/h with motor assistance, they must be registered as mopeds and have type-approval as such.

It is important to note that devices such as electric longboards and big electric scooters that have a maximum speed exceeding 25 km/h are not roadworthy and must not be used in road traffic. The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom is the competent authority responsible for enforcing the general requirements of the Vehicles Act for these devices. Additionally, the Finnish Medical Devices Act may be applicable if the device is intended to compensate for the user’s restricted mobility.

Compliance with safety regulations and road laws will ensure that these devices are used safely and responsibly in Finland.

Source: https://tukes.fi/en/products-and-services/machinery/electric-personal-transportation-devices

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in France

Prioritizing public safety, France has set a minimum age requirement of 14 years old for electric scooter riders. The speed limit for electric scooters in France is 25 km/h on the road.

Electric scooters are not allowed to be ridden on pavements in France, as this regulation was implemented to ensure the safety of pedestrians and prevent accidents. However, electric scooters are permitted on cycling paths and streets.

In France, electric skateboards are not heavily regulated. Nonetheless, it is important to adhere to the rules of the road and prioritize safety while riding.

Therefore, if you intend to ride an electric scooter in France, it is essential to be familiar with these regulations and guidelines to avoid breaking the law and jeopardizing the safety of yourself and others.

Source: https://www.eplaque.fr/infos/carte-grise-trottinette-electrique-obligatoire-des-septembre-pour-les-plus-de-25-km-h

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Germany

Here is a comprehensive guide to keep in mind for ridin electric scooter in Germany:

As per the German law, only “miniature electric vehicles” meeting specific criteria can be licensed for public road traffic. These criteria include having a maximum speed of 20 km/h, front lights, side reflectors resembling that of a bicycle, two brakes functioning independently, and a bell or a signal with a warning character. According to the law, electric scooters can have a maximum allowed power of 500 W.

E-scooter riders must be at least 14 years of age, and while wearing a helmet is not compulsory, it is highly recommended. Although a driver’s license is not mandatory, e-scooter riders are required to adhere to the same traffic regulations as motorists.

E-scooters are only permitted to use bike paths or biking trails. If these are not available, they are allowed on the roads with cars. Riding on sidewalks, motorways, pedestrian-only zones, one-way streets against the direction of traffic, and bus lanes is strictly prohibited. Single-file riding is a must, and carrying a passenger is not allowed.

E-scooters are considered motor vehicles and are not included in personal liability insurance. Thus, liability insurance and a license plate are mandatory. Registration authorities will issue the license plate only if the e-scooter meets the road traffic suitability criteria.

E-scooter riders must comply with traffic lights, and the same alcohol limits for motorists apply. Using a mobile phone while riding an e-scooter is strictly prohibited, and e-scooters must be parked in designated areas to avoid endangering pedestrians or other road users.

It is essential to follow the rules and regulations for riding an e-scooter in Germany to ensure your safety and avoid fines. Always follow traffic laws and use designated bike paths or biking trails while riding your e-scooter.

Source: https://www.loc.gov/item/global-legal-monitor/2019-06-25/germany-regulation-to-allow-use-of-e-scooters-on-public-roads-enacted/

Source 2: https://www.bussgeldkatalog.org/e-scooter-regeln/

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Greece

The Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport has recently unveiled the New Mobility and e-scooter Law, which serves as a comprehensive framework for the development of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans in Greece. This law is equipped with multiple provisions aimed at enhancing traffic and road infrastructure safety, including a set of traffic rules for Personal Light Electric Vehicles (PLEVs) like e-scooters.

If you intend to operate an e-scooter in Greece, it is of utmost importance to note that the law mandates the use of a helmet and reflective clothing, particularly when riding at night. In addition, e-scooters are permitted on the sidewalk for up to 6km/h, similar to pedestrians. For PLEV design speed ranging between 6 and 25km/h, e-scooters must utilize the road like cyclists. However, PLEV design speed exceeding 25km/h is strictly prohibited from traffic, as well as on streets with a speed limit of 50km/h or higher.

Adhering to these traffic rules and regulations is imperative to ensure the safety of yourself and others while riding an e-scooter in Greece. Please bear in mind that noncompliance with the law may result in substantial fines and legal consequences. Always prioritize safety and enjoy your ride responsibly!

Source: https://www.nrso.ntua.gr/hmit-new-mobility-and-e-scooter-law-in-greece-march-2021/

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Hungary

In Hungary, there is a lack of well-defined national legislation that pertains to the specific regulations for the use of electric scooters. However, some cities have taken the initiative to establish local ordinances that dictate the use of electric scooters within their jurisdiction. These ordinances may comprise directives on the designated areas for riding and parking electric scooters, as well as any requisite safety measures that must be adhered to by riders. As a result, it is imperative to be knowledgeable about the local ordinances in each city to guarantee compliance with the law while operating an electric scooter.

Source: https://www.napi.hu/magyar-gazdasag/roller-szabaly-szigor-kozlekedes-elektromos-kresz.754438.html

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Ireland 

The Irish Government has put forth the Road Traffic and Roads Bill, which has proposed new regulations to govern the use of e-scooters and e-bikes in Ireland. Currently, the Oireachtas is reviewing the proposed bill. The new regulations will categorize “powered personal transporters” that travel under 25km/h in the same category as regular push bikes. Such vehicles will be exempt from tax, insurance, registration, and licensing requirements. However, more powerful e-scooters and e-bikes that can exceed 25km/h will be treated in the same way as mopeds and motorbikes, requiring insurance, registration, and licensing. These vehicles will be governed by the same rules of the road as mopeds and motorbikes.

In addition, the proposed legislation will set technical and safety standards for e-scooters and e-bikes, including lighting and construction standards, and rules for their safe use in public areas. The Bill will introduce several safety measures for the use of e-scooters in public areas, including a minimum age requirement of 16, compulsory helmets for those between 16 and 18, and a ban on their use on footpaths.

It is expected that there will be a considerable increase in the number of e-scooters operating in public areas with the implementation of this legislation, as several major e-scooter service operators plan to launch rental services in urban areas across Ireland through mobile apps. This trend has already taken root in many major European cities, where e-scooter rental services have gained popularity. To ensure the safety of yourself and others while riding e-scooters in Ireland, it is crucial to follow the new regulations.

Source: https://aclsolicitors.ie/e-scooters-e-bikes-and-the-law-in-ireland/

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Italy

As an electric scooter rider in Italy, it is imperative to abide by the set regulations and guidelines to avoid accidents and ensure the safety of all road users. Below, we provide detailed information on the rules and regulations that govern the use of electric scooters in Italy.

The law in Italy requires all electric scooter riders to be at least 14 years of age. It is essential to adhere to this requirement to avoid any legal implications and ensure the safety of minors.

For minors under 18 years of age, wearing a helmet is mandatory when riding an electric scooter. As a responsible rider, always ensure that your child wears a helmet before embarking on any ride.

To ensure the safety of all road users, electric scooters in Italy have a maximum permitted speed of 20 km/h. In pedestrian areas, the speed limit is further reduced to 6 km/h. Riders must adhere to the speed limits to avoid accidents and legal implications.

Electric scooters are strictly prohibited from riding on sidewalks, except when designated as bicycle lanes. Additionally, riders must never ride their electric scooters in the opposite direction of traffic, except on roads that allow two-way cycling. However, riders may use their electric scooters on urban streets with a speed limit of 50 km/h or less, in pedestrian areas, and on mixed pedestrian-bike paths.

Electric scooters in Italy must adhere to a strict power limit. The motor must have a continuous rated power not exceeding 0.50 kW (500 watts).

It is strictly prohibited to carry other persons, objects, or animals, tow vehicles, lead animals, or be towed by another vehicle when riding an electric scooter in Italy. Always ensure that you adhere to this rule to avoid legal issues and prioritize the safety of all road users.

Electric scooter riders in Italy must hold the handlebars with both hands and have free use of their arms and hands while riding. If the electric scooter is not equipped with arrows, riders may signal the turning maneuver with their arms.

To ensure visibility and safety, riders of electric scooters in Italy must wear retro-reflective vests or suspenders in case of poor visibility. The law also requires that riders wear reflective gear starting half an hour after sunset throughout the period of darkness.

In conclusion, abiding by the rules and regulations for electric scooters in Italy is crucial for your safety and that of other road users. It is essential to always prioritize safety and follow the guidelines outlined above to avoid legal implications and ensure a safe and enjoyable riding experience.

Source: https://www.mondaq.com/italy/rail-road–cycling/1285686/electric-scooters-the-new-rules

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Latvia

Electric scooters have emerged as a popular means of transportation in Latvia. The new CSN framework permits electric scooters to operate on sidewalks, bicycle trails and lanes, public transport lanes, and streets with speed limits of up to 50 kilometers per hour.

It is imperative to adhere to the regulations that mandate electric scooters to yield to pedestrians while riding on sidewalks and maintain a speed that does not exceed walking pace. Furthermore, electric scooters must be in excellent condition, equipped with brakes, and outfitted with a white light lamp on the front and a red lamp on the back for proper illumination. The operator should wear a light-reflecting vest whenever possible to ensure visibility.

Carrying a passenger, releasing the steering wheel, holding onto another vehicle, and transporting any hazardous cargo is not permitted while riding an electric scooter.

In Latvia, electric scooters’ maximum speed is capped at 25 km/h, and the operator must be at least 14 years old. Minors who ride electric scooters must hold a bicycle driving license. Strict adherence to these rules and regulations will guarantee a secure and pleasant ride on your electric scooter in Latvia.

Source: https://eng.lsm.lv/article/economy/transport/traffic-rules-for-electric-scooters-adopted-in-latvia.a404071/

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Lithuania

Electric scooters have gained popularity in Lithuania as a convenient mode of transportation. However, it is crucial to adhere to the rules and regulations to ensure a safe ride.

When riding on the roadway, the rider must wear a brightly colored vest with reflective elements or have a white light on the front and a red light on the back of the electric scooter. It is mandatory for minors (under 18) to wear a safety helmet when driving such a vehicle.

In Lithuania, electric scooter riders (speed up to 25 km/h, power no more than 1000 W or 1 kW) can ride on the carriageway if they are at least 14 years old. If an individual has completed the training course established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania and holds a certificate issued by the school, they can ride an electric scooter on the carriageway if they are at least 12 years old. Under adult supervision, individuals at least 8 years old can ride an electric scooter on the roadway. There is no age limit for electric scooter riders in residential areas. However, adults must ensure that minors behave properly on the road and set a good example.

In Lithuania, carrying passengers on electric scooters is strictly prohibited, irrespective of whether a handle is installed for a child to hold on to. This law is enforced to prevent accidents and ensure the safety of both the rider and passengers.

When riding an electric scooter on the curb, pedestrian and bicycle path, or sidewalk, the rider must prioritize the safety of pedestrians by giving them the right of way, slowing down, and keeping a safe distance from them. It is essential to remain vigilant and anticipate any potential hazards to avoid accidents.

To ensure a safe ride on an electric scooter in Lithuania, it is imperative to adhere to traffic rules and regulations, including not carrying passengers and maintaining a safe distance from pedestrians. This approach will help you have a comfortable and secure ride.

It is mandatory for all electric scooter riders to comply with the Road Traffic Rules, be alert, protect themselves, and respect other road users. Mutual respect and caution are essential for safe participation in traffic.

As per Point 5 of the Road Traffic Rules, road users must be familiar with the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Safe Road Traffic, know the Road Traffic Rules, and abide by them. It is imperative to follow these rules and regulations to ensure a safe and enjoyable ride on your electric scooter in Lithuania.

Source: https://ecodriving.lt

Source 2: https://www.ketonline.lt/ket-elektriniams-paspirtukams.html

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Luxembourg

It is crucial to comply with the requirements set by Luxembourg’s regulations for small electric vehicles, including electric scooters. These vehicles must adhere to a maximum design speed not exceeding 25 km/h and must be solely propelled by an electric motor with a rated output not exceeding 250W (0.25 kW). Among the electric vehicles that fall into this category are electric scooters and hoverboards.

All electric vehicles in the “cycle” category ridden on public roads must have certain mandatory equipment installed, including brakes, lights, and reflectors. If you’re riding an electric micro-vehicle, reflective tapes or other reflective devices must be fixed on both sides of the vehicle or on your clothing if lateral reflectors can’t be installed.

It’s generally prohibited for children under 10 years old to ride electric scooters. Children aged at least 6, however, can ride in cycle lanes, recommended cycle lanes, or on their way to and from school, as long as they’re accompanied by a person aged at least 15. Meanwhile, a person aged 13 or over can ride a cycle to accompany one or more children aged under 13.

Electric scooters are subject to the same alcohol limit as cars and other motor vehicles in Luxembourg, which is < 0.5‰. It’s worth noting that electric scooter users are allowed to ride side-by-side but must move into a single file in certain situations, such as when approaching the brow of a hill, on level crossings and their approaches, between dusk and dawn, and in urban areas where the speed limit is greater than or equal to 50 km/h.

In accordance with the regulations in Luxembourg, any electric scooter with motors that fall within the range of 250w to 500w are classified as electric bikes.

To summarize, adhering to the rules and regulations on electric scooter use in Luxembourg is vital to ensure your safety and avoid legal issues. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy a safe and enjoyable ride on your electric scooter.

Source: https://police.public.lu/en/legislation/code-de-la-route/mobilite-douce.html

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Netherlands

Source: https://www.government.nl/documents/publications/2021/05/10/the-netherlands-and-light-electric-vehicles-levs

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Norway

The traffic rules in Norway are based on Section 3 of the Road Traffic Act, which is designed to ensure the safety of all road users. As such, it is imperative to have a thorough understanding of the electric scooter rules in Norway. Here are the key regulations to keep in mind:

The minimum age for riding an electric scooter is 12 years. While it is mandatory for children under 15 years old to wear a helmet, it is highly recommended that everyone wear one for added safety. Riding an electric scooter while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is illegal. The general blood alcohol limit of 0.02 percent applies. Riding with a passenger or carrying passengers in a trailer attached to the vehicle is strictly prohibited.

When parking an electric scooter, it is vital to be considerate of other road users. Park in a way that does not obstruct or inconvenience others, especially those with special needs such as wheelchair users and people with impaired vision.

You are permitted to ride your electric scooter anywhere, provided that you follow traffic signs and ride in the direction of traffic. However, it is prohibited to ride on motorways and roads where bicycles are banned, such as on some bridges and in many tunnels. As an electric scooter rider in Norway, it is imperative that you comply with all speed limits on the roads. It should be noted that Norwegian electric scooters are typically limited to a maximum speed of 20 km/h.

When riding an electric scooter, it is important to prioritize safety. Remember, you are less visible than cars and more vulnerable to accidents, so ride with caution and avoid taking unnecessary risks.

Source: https://www.vegvesen.no/en/traffic-information/traffic-safety/safety-and-electric-scooters/traffic-rules/

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Poland

Poland has implemented new regulations to ensure the safety of both riders and pedestrians as a response to the increasing popularity of electric scooters and other similar transportation devices. The new legislation formalizes the status of e-scooters and other similar devices and classifies them as vehicles. These regulations outline the legal status and use of electrically powered and physically ‘muscle’ powered devices intended to be driven on public roads, referred to in the regulations as urządzeń transportu osobistego (UTO), such as e-scooters, Segways, electric skateboards, and balance boards, commonly known as mobility devices.

Notably, electric scooter riders are required to adhere to speed limits on roads and maintain a speed similar to pedestrians, no faster than 20 kilometres per hour. This is crucial to guarantee the safety of pedestrians who may share the same path. E-scooters must travel on the road if there is no bicycle path, but only if the speed limit on such a street is less than 30 km/h.

It is crucial to note that pedestrians have priority over e-scooter or UTO riders moving on a part of the infrastructure intended for pedestrian traffic. Hence, e-scooter riders must yield to pedestrians and not obstruct their passage. Riders must limit their speed on footpaths to walking pace (approx 5 km/h).

Riders are mandated to use bicycle lanes wherever possible. If such lanes are not available, they may use roads, but only if the road has a speed limit less than or equal to 30km/h. Furthermore, children under ten years of age are prohibited from riding an e-scooter on a public road, even under the supervision of an adult. Children up to 10 years of age will be able to ride the electric scooter only in a residential area under adult supervision.

Riders aged between 10 and 18 years are required to have the same qualifications as for cycling, i.e., a bicycle card or driving license of categories AM, A1, B1, or T. It is prohibited to ride an e-scooter on a road with a speed limit greater than 30km/h, ride an e-scooter or a personal transport device (UTO) while under the influence of alcohol or a substance similar to alcohol, transport other people, animals, and objects with an e-scooter or personal transport device, pull or tow other vehicles with an e-scooter or personal transport device, and use a telephone while riding.

It’s important to note that larger electric scooters with seats do not belong to any of the above groups, and the legislation with regard to bicycles and electrically assisted bicycles remains unchanged.

Source: https://krakowexpats.pl/transport/e-scooters-new-regulations/

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Romania

As per a project proposed by the Romanian Interior Ministry (MAI), individuals above the age of 14 are permitted to operate electric scooters, while those under 16 must wear helmets while riding.

The project outlines an electric scooter as a two or three-wheeled vehicle equipped with an electric motor, with a maximum design speed not exceeding 25 km/h. Furthermore, electric scooters are exclusively permitted to be ridden on designated bike lanes. If bike lanes are unavailable, they may be ridden on road sectors where the maximum speed limit is 50 km/h. However, transporting passengers on e-scooters is strictly prohibited.

To guarantee a safe and legal ride, electric scooters are mandated to be fitted with night lights and reflective-fluorescent devices which are obligatory to use when riding at night. It is crucial to follow these regulations for the safety of the rider and other individuals while operating an electric scooter in Romania.

Source: https://www.romania-insider.com/romania-rules-electric-scooters

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Slovakia

It is important to note that electric scooters can be ridden on cycle paths, dirt roads, forest roads, and residential areas by individuals of any age. However, riders must be above the age of 15 to ride on other routes. As such, children below 15 years of age must refrain from riding electric scooters in the village or city outside the residential zone.

To maintain pedestrian safety, electric scooters must be ridden on the right side of the sidewalk, footpath, or crosswalk without impeding pedestrians or exceeding their speed. On the reserved lane for cyclists, they must ride on the right side without endangering or impeding cyclists.

It is mandatory to hold the handlebars with both hands while riding an electric scooter, except when giving a hand signal about the direction of travel. Furthermore, only one person may ride an electric scooter, and it is not allowed to lead a dog or other animal or carry objects that would make riding the scooter difficult.

While helmets are not mandatory for electric scooter riders, it is still recommended for parents to consider providing their child with a helmet, especially since children can ride electric scooters in residential areas or on field and forest paths, and electric scooters can reach a speed of up to 25 km/h. The obligation of the driver of an electric scooter to protect their head with a helmet and to wear reflective elements or clothing while riding in reduced visibility has been removed.

Electric scooters may use passages designated for pedestrians and cyclists but must not endanger either group. The speed limit must not exceed walking speed, and riders must significantly reduce their speed when approaching and give way to pedestrians. The rider must cross the road with consideration for moving cars only when there is no danger. Outside the passage, the scooterist must cross the roadway perpendicular to its axis.

The blood alcohol tolerance for drivers of electric scooters is the same as for cyclists. During inspection, the driver can blow no more than 0.5 per thousand.

The driver of an electric scooter must have mandatory equipment like cyclists, i.e., reflective elements such as a reflective vest, a red reflective light with a red light at the back, and a white light at the front and a white reflective light are required

Source: https://www.chopper-kolobezky.sk/legislativa-a-elektro-kolobezky/

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Slovenia

To ensure a safe and lawful ride, it is essential to adhere to the following regulations while riding an electric scooter in Slovenia.

Electric scooters are permitted to operate in traffic. However, it is crucial to adjust the speed to other participants on the road. Please note that the maximum speed limit for electric scooters should not exceed 25 km/h. When in pedestrian zones, the speed must be adjusted to the pace of pedestrians, and the speed limit should not surpass 10 km/h. Whenever possible, electric scooters should be ridden on bike paths. In the absence of bike paths, they should be ridden on the right side of the road. It is essential to note that electric scooters are not allowed on regional and other fast roads where the speed limit is more than 50 km/h.

Although electric scooters are popular among young riders, it is important to recognize that only riders who have attained the age of 14 or older are permitted to ride electric scooters. However, riders who are at least 12 years old and have a cycling certificate can also ride electric scooters. This implies that younger riders can use electric scooters if they have received adequate training and knowledge regarding traffic regulations. To ensure the safety of all road users, only one person is permitted to ride an electric scooter.

The law requires electric scooters to have a red reflector on the back and yellow or orange reflectors on the sides. Headlights must be turned on during the night or when visibility is reduced. A white headlight must be mounted on the front to light the path, while a red position light must be mounted on the back. Riders under the age of 18 must wear protective helmets, and it is recommended that all riders wear helmets to minimize the risk of accidents, even when riding at lower speeds.

By adhering to these electric scooter rules in Slovenia, you can enjoy a secure and pleasant ride while complying with legal boundaries.

Source: https://electrotraveller.com/sl/cestno-prometna-pravila-za-elektricni-skiro/

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Spain

The surge in popularity of electric scooters, or Personal Mobility Vehicles (VMPs), in Spain has resulted in numerous complaints and accidents. Consequently, the Director General de Tráfico (DGT) has imposed new regulations to ensure safe VMP usage.

It is important to note that VMPs include hoverboards, electric unicycles, and electric scooters, and are classified as electric motor-powered vehicles with one or more wheels, capable of attaining speeds of up to 25km/h.

The DGT has established minimum technical requirements that VMPs must adhere to, including features such as a braking system, weight, length, height, and rough-surfaced wheels. Moreover, VMPs must have white reflectors on the front, white or yellow reflectors on the sides, and red reflectors at the rear, in addition to a secure folding mechanism.

In addition to technical regulations, there are specific rules for VMP riders to follow. These rules include driving cautiously to avoid endangering other road users, respecting pedestrian crossings and traffic signs, refraining from riding on pavements, abstaining from using headphones while riding, and wearing a helmet at all times. VMPs must only accommodate one person, and riders must park in authorized spaces directed by the municipality. The minimum age to ride a VMP is 16, and they are strictly prohibited from using interurban roads, highways, highway crossings, and urban tunnels.

The DGT has also introduced a 0.0 alcohol rate for VMP operators, with severe penalties for anyone violating this rule.

From January 2024, all VMPs sold in Spain must possess a circulation certificate and satisfy all regulatory requirements. If a VMP is without a certificate, it may only be used until January 2027. While VMP insurance is not mandatory nationwide, certain regions and cities have their own regulations, and it is imperative to check with the local DGT office to avoid any fines.

To summarize, complying with technical standards, rider safety requirements, and circulation certificates is essential to safely use VMPs in Spain.

Source: https://www.thelocal.es/20220222/e-scooters-in-spain-what-are-the-rules-and-latest-changes

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Sweden

Electric scooters, also known as elsparkcykel, have gained immense popularity in Sweden. However, to ensure your safety and avoid legal troubles, it is crucial to be well-informed about the rules and regulations surrounding their use. Here’s what you need to know:

Although there is no legal age limit for riding an e-scooter, it is important to note that many rental services in Sweden require riders to be over 18.

It is essential to understand that e-scooters are considered bicycles if they have a maximum speed of 20km/h and a motor no stronger than 250 watts. This classification implies that e-scooters can be ridden on bike lanes and on roads in the absence of a bike lane. However, it is illegal to ride an e-scooter on a pavement or pedestrian zone, with the exception of a gångfartsområde (“walking-speed area”), provided you do not exceed walking speed and yield to pedestrians. E-scooters are also allwoed on roads with a speed limit of 50km/h or less, and on some main roads if it’s deemed more appropriate for the destination. Riding an e-scooter on the pavement is not allowed unless there is no bike lane available, in which case children under eight years old may ride on the pavement.

While there is no legal obligation for individuals over the age of 15 to wear a helmet when riding an e-scooter, it is highly recommended.

It is imperative to note that only one person can ride an e-scooter at a time. Riding with a passenger can result in a fine.

In the event that you ride an e-scooter in the dark, it is mandatory to have functioning lights at the front and back, as well as reflectors on the front, back, and sides. Additionally, e-scooters must have properly functioning brakes and a bell.

It is strictly prohibited to park e-scooters anywhere that could obstruct others, including on bike lanes or roads. E-scooters must be parked upright and as neatly as possible in designated parking areas and must not block entrances to garages, pedestrian crossings, or train stations.

As per the traffic legislation in Sweden it is prohibited to operate any type of vehicle, including e-scooters, while experiencing conditions that may impair your ability to safely operate the vehicle. Such conditions may include illness, fatigue, the influence of alcohol, other stimulants or depressants, or any other reason that may hinder safe operation of the vehicle. It is of utmost importance to ensure the safety of yourself and others on the road by refraining from using e-scooters when not in a condition to do so safely.

As with all other road users, it is crucial to follow the same rules when using an e-scooter, including stopping at red lights.

Source: https://www.thelocal.se/20220921/explained-the-rules-for-riding-an-e-scooter-in-sweden/

Source 2: https://www.transportstyrelsen.se/elsparkcykel

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in Switzerland

Electric scooters have become a popular mode of transportation in towns and cities around the world due to their quiet operation, eco-friendliness, and agility. Switzerland is no exception to this trend, and electric scooters are becoming an increasingly common sight on Swiss roads. However, before hopping on an electric scooter, it’s important to understand the Swiss legislation that governs their use to avoid any legal issues or safety concerns.

The Swiss legislative framework for electric scooters comprises two essential documents, namely Ordinance 741.41 concerning the technical requirements for road vehicles (OETV) and the list of the main requirements concerning the admission and use of light mopeds electric vehicles available from the Federal Roads Office (OFROU) through their Aide-Mémoire. These documents specify the criteria that a road legal electric scooter must meet to be considered safe for public use.

According to Swiss law, electric scooters fall under the “light mopeds” category, which includes single-seat vehicles with electric propulsion. To be classified as road legal, an electric scooter must meet specific criteria, such as a motor power not exceeding 500 Watts, a maximum speed of 20 km/h, front and rear headlights, a front and rear brake (including at least one brake acting by friction), and a bell. Unlike cars and motorcycles, electric scooters do not require type approval or official control for the issuance of license plates or driving permits. Additionally, no driver’s license is required for electric scooter use from the age of 16, though the minimum age of a driver is 14 years old, provided they have an M permit. While helmets are not mandatory in Switzerland, wearing one is highly recommended for safety reasons.

If you have a road legal electric scooter, you are permitted to ride it on cycle paths and roads, just like a bicycle. However, it is strictly forbidden to use your electric scooter on sidewalks, even when driving slowly. This is because pedestrians are often distracted by their smartphones and may not hear you approaching, which could lead to a low-speed collision resulting in severe injury.

In conclusion, if you want to enjoy the benefits of an electric scooter in Switzerland, it is crucial to ensure that your scooter meets the required criteria and that you only ride it on cycle paths or roads.

Source: https://www.tcs.ch/de/testberichte-ratgeber/ratgeber/fahrzeugarten/trendfahrzeuge.php

Electric Scooter Road Traffic Rules in UK

It’s crucial to note that in the United Kingdom, e-scooters fall under the classification of motor vehicles as per the Road Traffic Act 1988. Therefore, e-scooters are subject to the same regulations as motor vehicles.

If you own a private e-scooter, it’s currently illegal to use it on the road or in public spaces, as privately owned e-scooters’ insurance is not yet available. Using a private e-scooter in public spaces risks the seizure of the vehicle under S.165 Road Traffic Act 1988 for no insurance. In the event of an accident causing serious harm to another person, investigations will be conducted in the same way as if you were riding a motorcycle or driving a car.

However, rental e-scooter trials are underway in the UK. Anyone using a rental e-scooter in a public area must comply with the relevant road traffic legislation or face potential prosecution. To rent an e-scooter, you must be at least 16 years old, hold the correct driving licence (category Q or P/M), and create an account with the rental company. E-scooters can only be used in approved areas.

It’s legal to use an e-scooter on private land with the landowner’s permission. Additionally, where a rental scheme is in place, using a rental e-scooter on a public road or cycle lane is permitted, provided you have the correct licence and adhere to road traffic regulations.

Failing to comply with the regulations can result in penalties and offences, such as a Fixed Penalty Notice if you don’t have a licence, the correct licence, or are riding without insurance. Therefore, it’s essential to comprehend the regulations before riding an e-scooter in the UK.

Source: https://www.met.police.uk/advice/advice-and-information/rs/road-safety/advice-escooters/

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