KuKirin M4 električni skiro s sedežem

The KuKirin M4 electric scooter is equipped with a motor with a nominal power of 500 W, allowing speeds of up to 45 km/h. The powerful 48 V, 12.5 Ah battery enables the scooter to reach a range of do 55 km on a single charge. The ten-inch tyres provide excellent grip and stability on the road, while the front and rear shock absorbers contribute to a comfortable ride on various terrains.

The scooter is fitted with kolutna zavora spredaj in zadaj, ensuring effective braking and enhancing safety. The IP54 dust and water resistance rating guarantees reliable use even in less favourable weather conditions. The included seat offers additional comfort, while the key activation function increases safety and theft protection.

Key features of the KuKirin M4:

  • Hitrost do 45 km/h
  • Sedež
  • Additional voltage display
  • Key activation
  • Napihljive pnevmatike z cestnim profilom

Za obročno plačilo dodajte izdelek v košarico, nadaljujte na blagajno in izberite možnost plačila na obroke.
Izberite število obrokov za izračun mesečnega zneska:

Znesek mesečnega obroka: 10,03 €

Izvirna cena je bila: 572,95 €.Trenutna cena je: 531,97 €.

Najnižja cena v zadnjih 30 dneh: 531,97 

Na voljo za naročilo brez zaloge

Discover the KuKirin M4: efficiency and reliability for everyday mobility needs

500 W motor: The KuKirin M4 electric scooter is equipped with a powerful motor that ensures a smooth and reliable ride. The rear-wheel drive provides better stability and control, which is crucial for safety and comfort when riding on various terrains.

Speed up to 45 km/h: This scooter can reach speeds of up to 45 km/h, but for safety, it is limited to 25 km/h. It is ideally suited for urban commuting, where it is important to adhere to safety regulations, while still allowing for quick and efficient movement.

Powerful 12.5 Ah 48 V battery: With a capacity of 12.5 Ah and a voltage of 48 V, this battery ensures long and reliable rides. It provides enough energy for prolonged use, meaning less frequent charging and more time for riding.

Range up to 55 km: One of the main advantages of this scooter is its range, allowing for up to 55 km on a single charge. This makes it an excellent choice for daily routes or longer journeys without the need for frequent recharging.

Charging time of 6 hours: The battery can be fully charged in just 6 hours, ensuring that your scooter will always be ready for the next ride. The quick charging feature allows you to get back on the road in a short time and continue with your tasks.

Discover comfort and versatility with the KuKirin M4

Colour LCD Display: The KuKirin M4 electric scooter is equipped with an advanced colour LCD display that provides the rider with a clear overview of all essential information. The display shows speed, distance travelled, battery status, and riding mode. This functionality enhances control and adaptability during the ride, ensuring that all key information is always at hand.

Additional Voltage Display: In addition to the main LCD display, the KuKirin M4 also features an additional screen that shows the battery voltage. This function is crucial for accurately monitoring battery status and optimising your ride. This way, you’ll always know how much energy remains, helping you avoid unpleasant surprises on the road.

IP54 Dust and Water Protection: The KuKirin M4 scooter is designed for reliable use in various weather conditions thanks to its IP54 protection rating. This level of protection ensures resistance to dust and water, allowing for worry-free riding even in rain or on dusty roads. The robust construction protects the scooter’s internal components, extending its lifespan and ensuring long-term use.

KuKirin M4: Comfortable and safe ride for everyday mobility

Included Seat: The KuKirin M4 electric scooter offers added comfort with an included seat. The seat is ergonomically designed and height-adjustable, allowing for long rides without fatigue. This feature is particularly useful for longer routes, where riders can choose between standing and sitting positions.

Two Disc Brakes: With a reliable braking system that includes disc brakes on both the front and rear wheels, the rider’s safety is prioritised. This system ensures effective and rapid stopping, even at higher speeds or on challenging terrains. The brakes are designed for optimal response and reliability in all conditions.

Front and Rear Suspension: The KuKirin M4 is equipped with advanced suspension at both ends, ensuring a smooth and comfortable ride. Whether riding on city streets or rougher terrain, the suspension absorbs shocks and vibrations efficiently, providing greater comfort and less strain on the rider.

10×3.0 Inch Inflatable Road Tyres: The large 10×3.0 inflatable tyres provide excellent grip and stability on various surfaces. The road-profile tyres are designed for optimal performance on paved roads but also work well on less-maintained paths. The tyres contribute to better handling and safety at higher speeds.

KuKirin M4: Equipped for journeys with safety and reliability

Key Activation: The KuKirin M4 electric scooter offers added security with key activation. This feature reduces the risk of unauthorised use and theft, allowing for worry-free parking. The scooter is activated with a simple turn of the key and is ready for riding.

Sturdy, Durable Frame: The KuKirin M4 scooter is designed with a robust and durable frame that ensures long-lasting use and resistance to various weather conditions. The frame is made of high-quality materials that withstand everyday impacts and stresses. This durability ensures reliable riding even on more challenging terrains.

Adjustable Handlebar Height: With easily adjustable handlebar height, the KuKirin M4 accommodates different users. This feature allows for optimal ergonomics regardless of the rider’s height, enhancing comfort and control during the ride. Adjusting the handlebar height is quick and easy, allowing for instant customisation of the scooter.

Standard Equipment: The KuKirin M4 includes all the essential features for a comfortable and safe ride. Fenders protect against dirt and water, which is particularly useful in wet conditions. The cruise control feature maintains a steady speed without the need to constantly hold the throttle, reducing fatigue during longer rides. The built-in lighting ensures good visibility and safety when riding at night or in low-light conditions.


Doseg do 55 km
Najvišja hitrost 45 km/h (omejena na 25 km/h)
Moč motorja 500 W
Max Motor Power - W
Maksimalni kot plezanja 15° / 26,8 %
Vrsta motorja brezkrtačni motor
Pogon zadaj
Kapaciteta baterije 12,5 Ah
Delovna napetost 48 V
Celice 18650
Čas polnjenja 6 ur
Nosilnost 120 kg
Dolžina, širina, višina (DŠV) 115 x 56 x 120 cm
Package Dimensions 120 x 30 x 37 cm
Teža (z baterijo) 23,9 kg
Pospeševanje thumb throttle (indicator)
Načini vožnje 3 speed settings
Velikost koles 10 x 3 palca
Pnevmatike napihljiva spredaj in zadaj
Profile Type cestni
Zavore mehanska kolutna zavora spredaj in zadaj
Zaščita proti kraji da, za vklop je potreben ključ
Material ogrodja aluminijeva zlitina
Zložljiv da
Vzmetenje sprednji in zadnji
LCD Zaslon da
Zaslon za prikaz napetosti da, dodatni zaslon
Osvetlitev LED spredaj in zadaj
Adjustable Handlebar Height da
Zaščita pred vodo IP54
Možnost sedeža da, sedež je vključen
Stransko stojalo / noga da
Blatniki da
Tempomat da
Zvonec da
Garancija 1 leto


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KuKirin M4 električni skiro s sedežem Ocene

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Garancija in podpora

Hitra in brezplačna dostava

Na electrotraveller.com ponujamo brezplačno dostavo za vse naročila nad 500 €. Naši izdelki bodo dostavljeni na vaš naslov v 1 do 5 delovnih dneh po prejemu plačila.

Ponujamo tudi možnost prednaročila za nekatere izdelke. Ocenjeni datum, ko bo izdelek na voljo za pošiljanje, je označen za te izdelke. Vendar se datum lahko spremeni, odvisno od distributerja.

V primeru, da imajo nekateri izdelki daljši čas dostave, bodo ponovno na voljo, vendar je datum dostave neznan.

Za več informacij in naročila nas lahko kontaktirate preko telefona +386 40 654 339 ali preko elektronske pošte na info@electrotraveller.com.

Servis in rezervni deli

ELECTROTRAVELLER ponuja dobavo rezervnih delov za vse električne skiroje v svoji ponudbi.

Rezervne dele pošiljamo hitro, v 2 do 5 dneh. Za povpraševanje nas kontaktirajte na info@electrotraveller.com ali pokličite +386 40 654 339.

Za naročilo rezervnih delov izpolnite ta obrazec.

Za uveljavljanje garancijskega servisa izpolnite obrazec na spletnem mestu garancijski zahtevek.

Obdržite originalno embalažo, da zagotovite varen prevoz vašega skiroja v našo delavnico in zmanjšate tveganje za poškodbe.

Ponujamo širok spekter storitev, vključno z garancijskimi in izven garancijskimi popravili. Naša storitev zagotavlja brezskrbno in varno delovanje vašega električnega skiroja v skladu z garancijskimi pogoji. Poleg garancijskih popravkov ponujamo tudi vse druge popravke, nadgradnje ter zamenjavo gum in drugih rezervnih delov.

Ker se zavedamo vrednosti vašega časa, vam želimo zagotoviti najhitrejšo možno rešitev težav. Večino manjših težav rešimo med obiskom servisa.

Poleg servisov ponujamo tudi širok spekter rezervnih in nadomestnih delov za vaš električni skiro. V naši spletni trgovini lahko najdete vse, od baterij in motorjev do zavor, gum in zračnic. Če potrebujete pomoč pri izbiri pravega dela za vaš električni skiro, nas pokličite (+386 40 654 339) ali nam pošljite e-pošto na info@electrotraveller.com.


ELECTROTRAVELLER ponuja 1 leto garancije na vse modele električnih skirojev, z možnostjo podaljšanja garancije za dodatno leto za 150 €.

Poudarki garancije:

  • Garancija traja eno leto.
  • Garancija pokriva vse proizvodne napake.
  • Za 150 € lahko kupite dodatno leto garancije.
  • Za garancijske zadeve nudimo hitro in brezplačno dostavo prek GLS-a, DHL-a ali UPS-a. Za to hranite originalno embalažo.
Politika vračila v 14 dneh

Če niste popolnoma zadovoljni z izdelkom, ponujamo garancijo za vračilo v 14 dneh.

Pogoji za vračilo:

  • Izdelek mora biti neuporabljen in v originalni embalaži.
  • Embalaža ne sme biti poškodovana.